Das war die Eröffnungsfeier der almondo s.r.o. in Bratislava!

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Wir bedanken uns bei allen Besuchern, Kunden und Geschäftspartnern für ein wirklich tolles Eröffnungsevent!

All this is and can be the new Almondo APP!

  • Exciting knowledge, memory and movement training
  • Cross-generational training for everyone from 3 to 99
  • Available in 10 languages
  • All exercises can be set in 3 levels of difficulty
  • Bilingual setting possible
  • Reminder and feedback functions
  • Customizable
  • Now with activity function and artificial intelligence
  • 600 sports exercises in 5 categories (balanced, mobility, cardio, energy, performance)
  • New nutrition tips based on a 5 pillar model
  • Over 100 special exercises for people with special needs (dementia, stroke, wheelchair etc.)

The following modules are available:

Exercises, knowledge questions, arithmetic, tracing, image pairs, puzzles, blank words, music and troubleshooting images

The Almondo app was designed:
For prevention and training, as individual training, as training for two and with game mode for the whole family.

Target group-specific applications and brand new, now with a concept for occupational health care and its own sports program in 3 levels of difficulty.

Our target groups are:

Prevention for everyone

  • Seniors
  • Families
  • children
  • Companies

Training for everyone

  • 24 hour care
  • Doctors
  • Care Homes
  • Dementia Trainer
  • Mobilie services
  • Family Caregivers

By the way: The app for the Android version is now also brand new in the iOS version!

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