Family fun & prevention

Game / Training Mental, Physical

Do you want to finally be your own boss, lead your own team? Do you want to help people around you to achieve financial independence?

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In everyday life

From large to small, from young to old - one tablet, many options, individual training, game mode. Healthy fun for the whole family.

Professional training


Almondo can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected and their relatives.


What's new in the Almondo world!


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Sales partner

How do I build my career?

How do I build my own sales structure and thus gain financial independence? How do I lead my own team to success and achieve prestige and prosperity?

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Family fun & prevention

Game / Training Mental, Physical

In Austria alone there are almost 4 million private households, 1.7 million senior citizens, 2.5 million families and 600,000 of them are children between the ages of 3 and 9. All of these are potential target groups for you and your company structure. Almondo is a product for everyone, from small to large, from young to old, from 3 to 99! It is up to you to seize this chance and conquer the market! All you need is an honest product, a product that you also use, that you stand behind and that you are convinced of!

A huge market lies ahead of us - your market and the market of all who follow you!

Family fun & prevention


2.5 million families in Austria have forgotten how to communicate, play, play music, laugh, have fun, learn together and keep fit, get moving! You can give it back to these families! You can get them away from the television, out of the comfort zone - into family life.

You want to maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and with your family, keep yourself physically and mentally fit, you want to have fun while doing so and you want to inspire your loved ones for a daily workout. Then you have made the right decision to take a closer look at Almondo.

Almondo is a cross-generational app that playfully connects young and old, old and young at heart and trains body and mind.

Daily training should be entertaining, efficient, varied, innovative, to be done everywhere and it would be nice if the whole family could participate.

Almondo is the answer to all of these wishes and requirements. Almondo is an exciting knowledge, memory and movement training, built on the three pillars "mental fitness, physical exercise and healthy eating".

The all-year family sports and memory program includes over 200 movement videos and offers tens of thousands of themed tasks and exercises in 3 levels of difficulty. Almondo is easy to use, available at all times and can be used as a one-on-one training or fun board game with the whole family.

The following exercises and tasks help to train our mind regularly and keep the family going: arithmetic, audio, video, free painting, tracing, picture pairs, puzzles, fill in the blank and words, songs, poems and thousands of exciting questions on exciting topics from architecture to history to biology or regional studies.

Almondo makes heads smoke, the body gets going and the whole family laughs! An innovative and efficient way to give family life a new boost and keep your mind and body fit! Almondo stands for health with puzzles and fun for the whole family!

Download the free app in the store, request access data and start training for the whole family with the free demo version.

Family fun & prevention


You know a lot of people who have been talking about a little more exercise, a healthier lifestyle and mental fitness for a long time, but who still cannot bring themselves to visit a gym or regularly solve crossword puzzles. We all want to get or stay fit mentally and physically and make aging as healthy as possible!

With Almondo you can give every person in your circle of friends and acquaintances a bit more quality of life and lifestyle for a healthy retirement and help you and you to wealth and independence.

1.7 million seniors in Austria alone are waiting for Almondo and therefore for you too! You are waiting for a product that brings you daily physical and mental training straight to your home.

They are waiting for fun and games, lifestyle and preventive measures that make “getting older” as pleasant as possible. Staying healthy is the number one goal for many people! Now it is up to you to take this opportunity and help all these people to be happier and happier. At home, they are waiting in their own four walls for a varied job, a distraction, a meaningful activity that keeps them healthy and fit.

Each of these people also knows at least two or three like-minded people and so many of them! This is your chance - a huge market lies ahead of us - your market and the market of all those who will follow you!

Family fun & prevention

Occupational health care

You are probably familiar with some entrepreneurs who offer fitness programs or massages during working hours or who send your employees for preventive check-ups because the health of your employees is very important to them. With Almondo, you can offer every company in your circle of friends and acquaintances our concept for occupational health care and thereby lay the foundation for professional success and independence.

There are 350,000 companies in Austria alone. Of these, 327,500 are small and Medium-sized companies, which employ around 1.9 million people and at the same time represent your potential target groups for your business development. Almondo is a product for everyone who wants to stay healthy and fit - from small to large, from young to old, from 3 to 99! It is up to you to seize this opportunity and conquer this market!

With the right product and a brilliant idea, you can even conquer a market that you don't know very well.

All you need is an honest product, a product that you use yourself, that you stand behind and that you are convinced of. Then it is easy to convince entrepreneurs to buy this product.

And everyone benefits from this, you, all entrepreneurs, your sales partners, your customers and everyone else who will follow. A huge market lies ahead of us - your market and the market of all those who will follow you.

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Professional training


This is your chance - a huge market is ahead of you - your market and the market of all those who go this way together with you!

Professional training

Family Caregivers

Do you know people who are committed to care for the elderly or maybe even care for and accompany someone in their own family? To make everyday life easier for these people - that would be something! - Or? An app that helps in communication with the whole family that brings daily mental and physical training straight to your living room! You can change the lives of these people, regardless of whether they are caring relatives or even those affected.

With Almondo, you can give everyone in your circle of friends and acquaintances who needs help or help, a little more quality of life and satisfaction for a healthy retirement, and offer the caring relatives an opportunity to earn extra income in addition to caring for their loved ones .

Around 130,000 people are currently suffering from dementia in Austria alone and the number is expected to double in the next few years. At least as many are entrusted with daily care and are waiting for Almondo and thus for you too! You are waiting for a product that brings you daily physical and mental training straight to your home. They are waiting for meaningful employment, measures that make it easier for you to deal with your illness and that make “aging” as pleasant as possible. They are waiting for something to help them fight the disease of oblivion! Now it is up to you to take this opportunity and help all these people to be happier and happier. At home, they are waiting in their own four walls for a varied occupation, a distraction, a meaningful activity that keeps them healthy and fit. Each of these people also knows at least two or three like-minded people and so many of them! This is your chance - a huge market lies ahead of you - your market and the market of all those who go this way together with you!

Professional training

24-hour care, mobile care services

Around 150,000 people in Austria are looked after by mobile care services at home. Around 35,000 people take advantage of 24-hour care. All of these people have carers who care about nothing more than the care, care and support of people with special needs.

Do you know people who work in the mobile service? People who run an agency and arrange 24-hour nursing staff or are even nurses themselves?

Then you will surely know how important intensive care and physical and mental fitness are for all those who want to enjoy their retirement and want to stay fit and healthy for a long time.

With Almondo, you can give every 24-hour agency, trainer and trainer a tool that supports them in everyday life and thus ensures greater quality of life and satisfaction for everyone involved. In addition, you can also offer the caregivers an opportunity to look after their clients better and more intensively.

Regardless of whether you “only” know someone or are dealing with care situations yourself, it is your chance to launch a product that everyone has been waiting for.

It is up to you to search for like-minded people and tell them about your unique discovery. Everyone who follows you will benefit financially like you.

This is your chance, a huge market is ahead of you, your market and the market of all those who go this way together with you!

Professional training

Dementia Trainer

There are currently around 130,000 people living with dementia in Austria. According to experts, this number should unfortunately double in the next few years. Many trainers have taken care of exactly these people and enable them to treat the disease of forgetfulness with respect and respect.

Do you know people who do great things in caring for dementia or stroke patients? Or you are even one of these angels on earth.

Then you will surely know how valuable and important regular training is to maintaining, improving or at least slowing down the health of those affected.

With Almondo, you can give every person affected, every trainer, a tool that supports them in their daily training and thus ensures more quality of life and satisfaction for everyone. In addition, you can also offer carers and relatives a way to look after their loved ones better and more intensely.

Regardless of whether you “only” know someone or are dealing with people with dementia yourself, it is your chance to launch a product that everyone has been waiting for.

It is up to you to search for like-minded people and tell them about your unique discovery. Everyone who follows you will benefit financially like you. This is your chance - a huge market lies ahead of you - your market and the market of all those who go this way together with you!


Professional training

Care Homes

In Austria, over 80,000 people are cared for in nursing homes. These care facilities face major challenges every day. People are in the foreground, health is important, social contact is crucial, feeling good and getting loving support during the last phase of life.

Do you know someone who runs a nursing home? Or a manager or an employee who works in nursing?

Then you can help with Almondo to make their everyday life easier, provide them with a meaningful and important tool for the daily care of those affected and thus act as a support and help.

With Almondo, you can give every person affected, every trainer and a trainer a tool that supports them in their daily training and thus ensures more quality of life and satisfaction for everyone. You can make a decisive contribution so that nursing homes can optimize their personnel structures and thus allow more time for personal contact with nursing staff.

It is up to you to address these people now and tell them about your unique discovery. You and everyone who follows you will also benefit financially.

Do good, talk about it and gain financial independence!

This is your chance, a huge market is ahead of you, your market and the market of all those who go this way together with you!

Professional training


In Austria, around 45,000 doctors work every day to help people either stay healthy or get well. Each doctor in turn has around 10 patients a day. That makes around 3,000 per doctor and year and around 135 million contacts to patients in total!

How can doctors benefit from Almondo? Very easily! You can give your patients daily mental and physical training at home and thus achieve positive effects in both prevention and treatment. In addition, as a sales partner or referrer, you can easily generate additional income without much effort.

Now it's up to you to win over this target group. The arguments are very simple: Almondo is a product for young and old, for people who want to take preventive care of their health, for people who recommend regular exercise and mental training because the organism already has damage, for people who are others Caring for people to make your everyday life as pleasant as possible.

Almondo is a fixed point in the daily routine, Almondo motivates everyone to stay or become fit, to train and thus to maintain or improve their own health and that from 3 to 99.

Doctors are opinion leaders. Doctors have great role models, which you can use for yourself and everyone who follows you!

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In everyday life

You want to stay active, spend more time with your family, have fun and enjoy your daily physical and mental training and be able to do it independently of time and place? Then Almondo is the perfect partner for you, your friends and your whole family.






Individual Training

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body! With regular physical and mental training, we lay the foundations for an "aging" that is worth living. Almondo is the basis for more health and well-being into old age!

Would you like to do physical and mental training daily or several times a week? Do you want to be motivated and always have variety in your daily training routine? With Almondo you keep your mind and body fit and find valuable tips for a balanced and healthy diet. You decide when and where your training takes place. All you need is a tablet and the Almondo App.

You can set your training time and you will be automatically reminded of your upcoming training. You choose from hundreds of topics and tens of thousands of knowledge questions, tasks and exercises, determine your favourites, be surprised by new topics and have over 200 motion videos available for your annual sports programme.

You determine the level of difficulty of the exercises yourself and can adapt your training individually and to your needs and abilities.

With Almondo you are entering a new era. Experience the fun and joy of memory training and exercise for you and your whole family at any time, in any place.


Training in Pairs

Many people rely on our help. They want to improve their living and health situation and remain socially integrated. Almondo was developed to help people “get older” and to support them, their carers and their relatives.

Many people need help or guidance in their physical and mental training. Almondo was developed to support caring relatives as well as dementia trainers and occupational therapists and occupational therapists in dealing with people who need help with their training.

Almondo’s training programs help to keep mind and body fit and also give those affected valuable tips for a balanced and healthy diet.

It can be selected from hundreds of topics and tens of thousands of knowledge questions, tasks and exercises that have been specially developed for people with dementia, stroke and Parkinson's patients. In addition, more than 200 motion videos are available for muscle building, coordination, conditioning, balance, etc. Almondo also offers over 100 special occupational therapy exercises such as sitting gymnastics, perception exercises, vibration perception, exercises for shoulder and arm muscles, daily activities, facial expression exercises and various support and lifting handles, patient positioning and much more.

The degree of difficulty of the exercises can be individually adjusted in three levels. Thus, the abilities, skills and daily condition of the persons concerned can be taken into consideration.

Almondo will support you in completing many useful, varied, entertaining and exciting training sessions with your clients, patients and relatives.


Game Mode

Almondo was developed to unite all generations of a family in one game, in combination with physical and mental training. Games and quizzes fun, get healthy and stay healthy - all in one app!

The game mode is fun for everyone who likes to play in company and wants to share the joy of daily physical and mental training with others. It can be within the family, it can be in the circle of friends, but it can also be in care facilities and institutes.

The quizzes and exercise programs from Almondo help keep your body and mind fit and also contain valuable tips for a balanced and healthy diet.

It can be selected from hundreds of topics and tens of thousands of knowledge questions, tasks and exercises that have been developed for people from 3 to 99 years old. In addition, more than 200 motion videos are available for muscle building, coordination, conditioning, balance, etc. Almondo also offers over 100 special occupational therapy exercises such as sitting gymnastics, perception exercises, vibration perception, exercises for shoulder and arm muscles, activities of daily life, facial expression exercises, various support and lifting handles and much more ..

The degree of difficulty of the exercises can be individually adjusted in three levels, so that the abilities, skills and daily condition of the participants can be taken into account. No matter if children, mum, dad, grandma or grandpa are part of the game! Of course this also applies to playgroups in care facilities and nursing homes.

All you need is a tablet, the Almondo app, the Almondo board game and fun to start.

Almondo connects people and brings joy and fun in training for all generations, from young to old, from small to large.



The Almondo sports program includes over 200 different exercises in three levels of difficulty and thus 600 ways to keep your body fit.

The Almondo sports program includes over 200 different exercises in three levels of difficulty and thus 600 ways to keep your body fit.

You can choose between a fixed and an individual training plan. The training length can be varied between 15 and 25 minutes and if you want, you can use the reminder function to motivate yourself to do regular training.

There are currently five different training modes available to suit your individual training goals:

  • Balanced
  • mobility
  • Cardio
  • energy
  • power

All 200 exercises are explained with understandable instructions and additionally clearly demonstrated by professional fitness trainers in 200 videos.

The muscle groups addressed are shown separately for each individual exercise. This is to prevent postural errors when doing the exercise.

The exercises are chosen so that you can only get on with the weight of your own body and therefore no fitness equipment is required.

After each exercise, you have the opportunity to send feedback on the level of difficulty and quality of execution to the app.

Since the app “thinks” and can make intelligent decisions, the system automatically adapts to your habits, your performance and your daily condition.

The training always consists of three phases: "Warm-Up", or warm-up phase, "Main-Part", or training phase and "Cool Down", or cooling-down phase.

So they are always gently led into and out of the training.

Now there is nothing standing in the way of daily Almondo movement training that is completely independent of location, time, training equipment and the gym!

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„It is now scientifically proven
that brain cells train into old age
and can
also be newly formed by this

Univ. Prof. Dr. Erwin Ott
Specialist for neurology and psychiatry

Mental Training

What customers and experts say

Manuela Künstner, DSB-A

I have been working with many of my clients with tablet trainings for years now and with Almondo since 2018. I have already achieved many great successes with it in the cognitive, social and physical areas.

Dementia trainer,
Chairwoman Association In Life

Mag. Dagmar Mega

Almondo's exercises address higher brain functions such as memory, concentration, logical thinking, decision making and verbal skills. Through this we are and remain more efficient, faster and mentally younger.

Memory trainer
Brno / Czech Republic

Hilde Kriebenegg

In our family we live from 8 to 88 and thanks to Almondo there is now much more “togetherness”. It is quick to use, easy to handle, the level of difficulty can be adjusted individually and it connects us all.

Senior citizen, Almondo user

Dipl. Ing. Jozef Petrek

In my family the topic “further education” was and is very topical. Unfortunately, however, the topic of “dementia” also affects us directly. Therefore, right after getting to know Almondo at the end of September 2018, I took the opportunity to help my friends and many other people in my surroundings.

Sales Partner
Sales office Slovakia

Univ. Prof. Dr. Erwin Ott

The proposed life plan has a positive effect on the laboratory values. I personally keep myself fit through targeted exercise programs and brain training, which means that even today - I am 77 years old and a doctor by profession - I am fully in my job

Specialist for neurology and psychiatry
Curriculum "Assessment of psychologically reactive trauma consequences"
the German speaking society for
Psychotraumatology DeGPT

Roman Schörg

I like new technologies and I really enjoy working with Almondo. I particularly enjoy the story questions. I would like to train more often with the tablet and Almondo, I am very happy every time my trainer comes to me.

Roman 32 years old, Almondo user

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"Your body is your best friend
he's with you all your life!"

Dr. Michael Reinprecht
Sports Scientist

Mental Training

What customers and experts say

Annelies Simon

I have a great joy with Almondo, because I have the motivation to move again. I had no idea about the tablet. Today I think I have come a big step closer to the outside world because of it.

Senior citizen, Almondo user

Dr. Michael Reinprecht

A scientific study from Finland shows that moderate physical activity reduces cardiovascular mortality by more than 50 % in people over 65. Heart attacks and strokes are lifestyle diseases - you can prevent them!

Sports Scientist

Stiepan Krajina

My challenge begins where Almondo is created, when it is thought through in the mind. Programming that is thought through from the beginning leaves all possibilities open for the future and this freedom of development will let Almondo grow and grow.

Amicasa Solutions doo

Univ. Prof. Dr. Erwin Ott

We have several billion brain cells that are linked to each other by nerve processes. Such an entity is called a network. These cells populate, among other things, certain brain centres that are responsible for our actions, thinking, planning, remembering etc. Of course other functions such as movement, sensitivity, balance and others are also made possible by brain cells. It has been found that through training new cells can also be formed (“expressed”). Movement and brain training also play an important role in the treatment of certain nervous disorders.

ÖÄK-Diploma Forensic-Psychiatric Report
Generally sworn & court certified expert

Anna Maria Eisenberger, MBA

I find it very important to train the body and the mind every day and I simply take this time. For me Almondo is very easy to use and the combination of exercises harmonizes for me! I want to continue living a healthy lifestyle and Almondo helps me with it - every day!

University. Hospital Graz

Josip Knezevic

The 3 pillars "physical fitness, mental training and healthy nutrition" lay the foundation for Almondo. Our product and our sales will shape the future.


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„No measure to prevent of diseases,
is more effective
as proper nutrition."

Anna Maria Eisenberger, MBA
Dietician, University. Hospital Graz

Healthy Nutrition

What customers and experts say

Anna Maria Eisenberger, MBA

Nutrition is the first medicine! For many years I was a dietician at the LKH Graz and saw there every day that no measure to prevent diseases is more effective than proper nutrition. That is exactly why I am happy and proud that we were able to make a significant contribution to the nutritional content of Almondo.

University Hospital Graz

Anna Prisching, BSc

Food is our livelihood and also the first medicine. With our contributions to Almondo, we want to point out how important, extensive and wide-ranging the topic of nutrition can be and how positively a healthy diet has an effect on our aging.

University Hospital Graz

Jane Bergthaler, BSc, MSc

The care of our loved ones presents us with daily challenges: Dementia, Alzheimer's, loss of appetite, the efforts of lifting, keeping those affected meaningfully occupied and helping them to maintain a "normal" family life.

University Hospital Graz


"Let big thoughts
Visions become reality!"

Alexander Lerch, MBA
CEO Almondo


Almondo´s Vision

Sustainable, affordable and ingenious - that is our vision of Almondo.
To create something unique that positively changes and influences everyday life and thus the lives of many - something that makes people happier, happier and healthier.

We are a young, dynamic team with the goal of making a difference in the health sector. We offer people the chance to help themselves and others to lead a healthier, more comfortable and more active life.

We want to motivate people to pass on the know-how gathered in Almondo and thus to do good. We would like to enable caregivers, dementia trainers, those affected, doctors, companies, senior citizens and families to communicate with each other and to be there for one another.

We want there to be no language barriers - neither between two people nor between nations. We focus on multilingualism and cultural differences.

We pride ourselves on our people who do great things every day to accomplish our mission and bring our vision to the world.

Almondo is not just a product - Almondo is ...

  • new and unique,
  • for all people from 3 to 99,
  • for all nations worldwide,
  • for the improvement of health, joie de vivre and lifestyle
  • affordable for everyone - regardless of social status
  • optimized for the most diverse target groups
  • for training alone or in a group
  • for a better life,
  • for a better world!

... and all this online, at any place in the world, at any time - based on the three pillars "physical and mental fitness and healthy nutrition".




„We are proud to present an Almondo which has grown over the years from the wealth of experience of many experts and unparalleled in the world!"

Your Almondo team

The Almondo Team

The Almondo team introduces itself

Alexander Lerch, MBA


I am Alexander Lerch, the mastermind behind Almondo, CEO and company founder.

Almondo is the product of many thousands of thoughts, hours, moments, people, experiences, events and successes.

Almondo is the product of all those who have been working with me on the development of this promising and innovative software for years and who have made it their goal to use this product to change the world, to improve it and to give people positive support in their lifestyle . But Almondo is also the product of all those who take this incredible world first out, bring it to the people, build structures and ensure that Almondo is spread all over the world - according to the motto: "Do good and talk about it!"

I have always packed my dreams and visions into concrete goals and I want to achieve them together with you. I want to give you a product that you can use to achieve your dreams and goals. Something meaningful, new, moving and attractive, something that does not yet exist in this form and something that corresponds to the modern development of technology, a product that can also develop with the market and with the times.

We still have a lot of plans, great development potential, innumerable good ideas to address new target groups and new markets over and over again. Almondo is a product for a global market from 3 to 99. This has not been there before. That and much more makes Almondo unique.

I invite you to be part of this development. I am ready to leave my product to you for the implementation of your own dreams and visions if you are ready to become part of my team.


Your Alexander Lerch

Marianne Lerch

Authorized signatory / back office and purchasing

friendly - self-confident - goal-oriented

The curriculum vitae of Marianne is varied. As a trained paper specialist, she discovered her great passion about 20 years ago: purchasing. First she got to know some companies and products in Styria. Then the big challenge: Head of Purchase at Lyoness AG. In the course of her work, her talent has been confirmed: negotiating, purchasing, optimizing, improving – all these are her strengths. On the one hand, Marianne is an authorized signatory in the family business Almondo and on the other hand she covers the entire purchasing of all products and services. She is also responsible for the entire back office area and it is great fun to work with her because there is always a solution for everything – she sometimes makes the “impossible possible”.

Christian Kemp

CTO / product development

persistent - visionary - ingenious

Christian’s brilliant mind has already brought many ideas and visions to life in the form of successful products. As a trained electrical engineer, he first followed his talents as an employee of the Austromir space project. He then turned to adult education for 13 years as a senior trainer. As a team leader in the sales department of a media company, he was able to gain valuable experience and finally became self-employed in software development and statistical business analysis. In addition to his own advertising agency, he also worked as Head of Key Account, Marketing and Project Manager for a large corporation, whose processes and systems he played a major role in shaping. Christian brings ideas and visions to the point in terms of strategy and content and realizes them on the basis of realistic business and time schedules. He has been part of the team since 2015 and is responsible for software development, print and screen design for Schooltastic and Almondo.

Peter Kremling

Content development

steady - calm - competent

Peter did not quite complete his astronomy studies and preferred to roll the ball for people when they were gambling. After his time as a croupier, he worked as a SME advisor for a large corporation before joining the FameL team and already helped to build up Schooltastic. With a lot of calmness and composure Peter is a very pleasant contemporary and employee. With his calm, consistent way of working, he breathes life into Almondo Software: under his guidance, the content is created that our customers can access at any time and any place. No matter what the topic or area of expertise, Peter’s remarkable general knowledge means that he always finds the right questions with the right answers and the right pictures to go with them. He is regarded as the central hub in the office and proves to be a valuable support and help in all challenges of everyday office life.

Lara Pittino

PR and Marketing

cheerful - consistent - steadfast

Lara’s professional career began in the marketing and PR industry. The beginning was made by a small event agency. A few more stations followed until she finally settled down at Cargo Center Graz. Responsible for all PR activities, news, events and press conferences, her passion for advertising copywriting and creative work has been confirmed here. Lara has been an employee at FameL GmbH from the very beginning. All texts, letters, contents of magazines, brochures, homepages and folders originate from her thoughts. No matter what time of day it is, Lara always finds the right words in the twinkling of an eye to put what she has thought down on paper in a creative and exciting way and above all – despite the challenges of being a mother of two small children – always reliably and punctually.

Josip Knezevic


“You have to think big to do big things. It’s the perspective that determines how brilliant the future will be.” The perspective decides how brilliant the future will be.“

“We have the opportunity to reach so many people and give them a fitter, healthier life. We can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle and if they want, they can climb the career ladder with us,” says Jopa about the opportunities available to anyone, really anyone, who wants to. “We are all heading towards a future that is characterized by fast pace, digitalization, automation and human alienation – Almondo takes up digitalization and offers people mental and physical training in a playful way. We will remain true to our vision and philosophy, it will multiply and very soon there will be an explosive growth of the entire Almondo distribution”.

Stjepan Krajina

CEO and Investor / Amicasa Solution doo

As chance would have it, the paths of Alexander Lerch and Stjepan Krajina had crossed and the initial sympathy and initial discussions finally turned into an innovative and future-oriented business relationship. Their shared enthusiasm for Almondo led the two of them on a path of partnership.

Amicasa Solutions d.o.o., founded in early May, will continue to develop the Almondo software, integrate new functions and also establish artificial intelligence in the Almondo system. In the future, the software will learn from every training result and the behavior of the users. “On this intelligent basis, the Almondo System will be able to react immediately and specifically to the general level of knowledge, the daily condition, the learning progress, various trends and the age of the users and to adjust the level of difficulty before, during and after a training. This makes the system extremely useful and interesting not only in the prevention but also in the accompaniment of dementia clients and stroke patients. To implement common ideas, to become stronger and better, to be one step ahead of the competition – this is the goal of the newly founded company Amicasa Solutions d.o.o. based in Zagreb.

Martin Musa

Software developer / Amicasa Solution d.o.o.

After years in the industry and working on business software projects I decided to take the next step in a small and agile team.

Almondo presented me with a perfect opportunity, which included both high technical standards and the good feeling that what we do contributes to the community.

Stipe Perković

Software developer / Amicasa Solution d.o.o.

After graduating from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, I decided to move to Zagreb to work on the Almondo project.
I am happy to be part of a small team with big goals and at the same time contribute to the community. My work consists of project planning and full-stack software development.

Valentino Vukadinović

Software developer / Amicasa Solution d.o.o.

My name is Valentino and I am a 4th year student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I joined the company 6 months ago and I am more than happy to be part of such a great team. The reason why I wanted to join this team are new technologies that I will learn by working on this project. Together with my colleagues we are developing a new Almondo application. I’m mainly working on implementing new features into the application and connecting them to our database.

Branimir Cvitanušić

Software developer / Amicasa Solution d.o.o.

I am very happy to work with this great group of people. This Almondo project is big opportunity to help the community by creating new things and also learn much and develop myself professionally. My part on this project consists of implementing new features and maintaining the application following high technical standards.

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Alexander Lerch, MBA, MBA
CEO Almondo

Sales partner

That's what our sales partners say

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I just think it's great and I'm very grateful that I got the chance and also took the opportunity to help build something great with Almondo. Not only the fact that I can offer people something that contributes an incredible amount to the better and healthier lifestyle, but also that I can offer them at the same time a chance to achieve their personal success with a perfect product and with my support - I think that's really great. I have always wanted to help people and I found my way with Almondo. If you have the courage to start something new in life, you also have the courage to succeed.

We have the opportunity to reach so many people with Almondo and enable them to live a fitter and healthier life. We can support everyone and ourselves in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and we can all climb the career ladder to the top. Success is granted to everyone who believes in themselves and their product - I am convinced of that!

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One of my main goals is to build a strong and stable company within the company. I believe that the distribution of Almondo's concept and mission statement through the network of sales partners is the most effective and fastest system for making Almondo available to those who need it so badly.

As an absolute advocate of new and innovative technologies, I was very impressed by Almondo. I find it extremely exciting to help people stay vital and fit longer in a playful way in life and at the same time build up their own career or even that of an entire team. You can experience this new great challenge with the help of the Almondo world.

Simon Horvat
Independent sales partner Slovenia
Sprachen: Slowenisch, Deutsch

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Doing good for people - enabling people to age with dignity and with the opportunity to earn money themselves. Building a team and becoming your own boss. It was always my dream. I have always wanted to turn my calling to help people into a job that automatically generates my income. With Almondo this can finally become a reality.

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As a life and social counselor, prevention is very important to me. I have been working in psychiatric nursing for over 25 years and have been working full-time in nursing pedagogy for 10 years. I know what negative consequences an unhealthy lifestyle can have. At the same time, we all have the chance to take the helm in hand in good time. Professional challenges, everyday stress, family stress increase. With the Almondo program, we have a strong partner at our side who supports us in remaining capable of acting, creating balance and seeing ourselves not only as victims, but as designers of our lives. And even with existing diseases such as dementia, Almondo is an effective companion that is also fun. When used appropriately, it can make a valuable contribution to milieu design in a wide variety of health and care facilities.

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Almondo is a great opportunity for me. I can finally prove my skills as a sales partner, with an honest product that helps people live a better and healthier life. I have set myself the goal of making Almondo one of the most successful sales systems in Slovakia. And I'm looking forward to this challenge.

Ing.Maros Struhar
Independent Sales Partner Slovakia
Languages: Slovak, English


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Almondo events

You shouldn't miss these dates. So you dive into the Almondo World, get to know people who pursue the same goal, you are motivated to go beyond your limits, to leave your comfort zone and you will learn how to achieve your goals and visions. Bring all your friends with you! Become part of the Almondo community!

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Almondo webinars

You are successful in your job, but you know there is more to it? Then have a look! We give you tips on how you can quickly double or triple your sales, how you can make more of your appointments and how you can easily achieve your goals. We help you to be even more successful because you care about us.

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You deserve to be always up to date! We see it as our job to inform you about news from Almondo, but also about relevant topics related to health, exercise and lifestyle. You have come to the right place if you have recognized the signs of the times and want to get the information you need to become even more successful in your job.

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