This is new on our sales homepage!

The new starting film should grab you and your sales partners, it should show you what can be achieved, it should make dreams and visions tangible and make you all want more. It should present the Almondo community, of which you are all a part!

We now have all dates and news for you on the front page online - so you can not miss anything. You can log in comfortably as usual and as a member you can view all available products in the shop as usual.

From the end of July you can look forward to the 5-week sales partner Almondo Academy with live calls, online workshop and video support!

We have presented all of your customers so that you know exactly who can use, use and need Almondo. We differentiate between your private customers, for example seniors, family members, companies (occupational health care) and experts such as caregivers, dementia trainers, nursing homes, doctors and many more. We explain how you should address these target groups, what they need and how you can support them.
On the new homepage we also present some partners and experts in text and video messages.

Something is happening, something really big is starting right now!

You can fly if you want - being part of the Almondo community is very special. We look forward to you and everything else to come!

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